
I went on a journey to learn how to focus on the positive. It took a few years, some practice, and some help from friends, but  it absolutely made for a different life. After a few changes in the last year I’ve been finding that the positive hasn’t been coming quite as easy, a few of my little joy’s have disappeared, and on occasion I’ve even found myself bored. How can one ever be board? There is just too much to experience!  And that’s why Birdsong and Bougainvillea came about, as a place to post about reconnecting with positivity and finding what makes me happy.

As it happens, this blog’s start coincided with the beginning of VeganMoFo, Vegan Month of Food. So, for the month of October I’ll be posting about my adventures in the kitchen. Or maybe out of the kitchen. Field trip! It’s the push I needed to get back to cooking after the hot summer months of cereal and sandwiches.  And I guess we’ll see where life takes us after that. 🙂

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